Legal Notices

© Copyright 2018-2025

The reproduction, total or partial, of the contents, pages, photos, images, videos, sound files, scripts and icons present on the site is strictly prohibited without the agreement expressly and previously given in writing by the publisher of the site

The non-respect of this prohibition constitues a counterfeiting that may incur the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter.

French Legislation

This website and its contents are under the French legislation.

Business Name of KiteLand kitesurf school

KiteLand kitesurf school is a personnal business whose legal business name is:

Benjamin Gontié

La Coume

31110 Garin


N° SIRET : 44470029800011

Code APE (NAF) : 8551Z

Enseignement de disciplines sportives

et d’activités de loisirs

N° Carte Professionnelle : 03102ED0001

Diplôme BPJEPS Activités Nautiques mention Glisses Aérotractées N° BP035160691

Supervisor and publisher of the website

Benjamin Gontié

La Coume

31110 Garin


Hosting of the website


2 Rue Kellerman

59100 Roubaix


Téléphone : 1007

Directeur de la publication :

Octave KLABA

Links to external websites

The website contains links to website owned by third parties. These links are here for your convenience.

KiteLand has no controm on these websites and has no responsability concerning their contents, and can not be responsible for any damage n’exerce aucun contrôle sur ces sites, n’assume aucune responsabilité concernant leur contenu et ne sera aucunement tenu responsable d’aucun dommage or harm coming out from their use.